Recently I was talking with other pastors about money given to a ministry which was sourced from an enterprise which the church cannot not endorse. Legalized gambling was the case in point.
My friend, Pastor Roland Bryan, remembered that D.L. Moody faced a similar situation. One of his ushers came to him asking if a man could give money to the the ministry which the man admitted that he had gained by an unrighteousness means. Mr. Moody replied: “Yes, we’ll accept the offering. The devil’s had the money long enough. It’s time the Lord had it.”
Money is neutral. It’s the love of money which is the root of all kinds of evil. Having money is not a sin. Some of Jesus’ followers were wealthy: Joanna & Joseph of Arimathea come to mind. It’s not having money that’s wrong; it’s the money having you. Money is a good servant but a lousy master.
Lastly, money isn’t what Jesus died on the Cross to ensure that we have. The Cross was about forgiveness not finances!
Those who see material wealth as every believer’s birthright need to try to line up their theology with the startling fact that our Saviour was homeless & virtually without any belongings at the time of His death!
For more Bible teaching on money you can check out 1 Timothy 6:6-19 & Matthew 6:1-4 & 19-24 plus any concordance looking for the key word “MONEY”. The Word has a lot to say about money!
The devil’s had it long enough!
With Jesus love for you,
Pastor Rob Elliott