A British newspaper recently published some set & secret plans for Great Britain after Queen Elizabeth II dies. Currently she is well on in years.

Part of that once quiet and un-publicized (and some would say morbid) plan is to issue these three postage stamps.

It is not morbid to plan for the time after ourselves.

It is helpful to have life insurance and a last will and testament etc.

Even better, it is excellent to have lived in such a way that you have passed on (1) your saving faith in Christ and (2) your love for & commitment to Christ’s Church to your family members & friends who will survive you!

Plus, living daily with intentional kindness, grace, justice, generosity, worship & prayerfulness will leave a God-honoring legacy far more valuable than money and the things which money can buy!

With the Psalmist Moses, let us each pray:

“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.”

You won’t live forever, on earth at least, plan now for the time after you!

Number 1

#1 PlateI am a car license plate watcher.
This is a cool one!
No pun intended!
Who or what is #1 in your life?
God is zealous to be #1 to you!


Exodus 20:1-3
“Then God spoke all these words, saying,
‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

1 Peter 3:15
“… but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence …”

Making the Lord #1 in your life is a personal choice which has to be re-confirmed moment to moment.
You can call that process reverence.

With Jesus’ love for you,

Pastor Rob Elliott

Two ways to check whether or not you have an idol:
1. Ask your self ‘typically, what do I think about when I am free to think about anything at all?’
2. Note how you feel when the offering plate comes to you in the worship service?

The Devil’s Had It Long Enough

$1 BillRecently I was talking with other pastors about money given to a ministry which was sourced from an enterprise which the church cannot not endorse. Legalized gambling was the case in point.
My friend, Pastor Roland Bryan, remembered that D.L. Moody faced a similar situation. One of his ushers came to him asking if a man could give money to the the ministry which the man admitted that he had gained by an unrighteousness means. Mr. Moody replied: “Yes, we’ll accept the offering. The devil’s had the money long enough. It’s time the Lord had it.”
