Posted on May 16, 2017 in Availability, Boy with a Lunch, David, Simon of Cyrene |

I imagine that none of these guys got on the boat that day expecting to catch an 835 pound monster. But they did!
You know: So much of life is simply showing up … especially when it comes to our magnificent God who delights to do the unexpected using un-expectant persons.
There was the shepherd boy David who was delivering food but who wound up downing the giant!
And there was the boy who went to hear Jesus teach carrying his simple bag lunch for one!
And there was Simon the Cyrene who was minding his own business until he was commandeered to carry Jesus cross!
Don’t let the big one get away!
Show up each day, in each situation, willing to be used of the Lord for significant purposes!
Posted on Jan 26, 2016 in 1 Samuel, Availability, God's Call |

God wills to use people! Ordinary folks.
The Lord must love ordinary folks because He made so many of us!
This is Theresa and Veda. For years God has used them to spearhead a wonderful, full & delicious Boxing Day Christmas Meal for our neighbourhoods’ needy families. This past December a large & loving team prepared & served about 375 meals!
God was glorified in it all. The Lord mightily used people! Available people…He did in the Bible too!
Moses. Esther. The little boy with the fish & rolls lunch.
Are you always available to your Lord for service which He has for you? Work on that.
When the Lord of all taps you on the shoulder to give you a job, don’t stay: “Me?”;
instead say: “Okay! Me!”
The little boy Samuel repeatedly heard his name being called in the middle of the night. He thought it was his caregiving priest calling him, but it wasn’t; it was the Lord.
Samuel’s response to the calling of God should be our response: “Speak, for Thy servant is listening.”
Availability to God is a beautiful thing!