He indwells each true born-again believer to assist in the glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 16:12-14)
Typically, the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to control speech and conduct (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16-25) in such a way that there is auto-correction taking place all of the time.
It is the believer’s moment-to-moment responsibility to pay attention to the indwelling Holy Spirit’s auto-corrects.
As a preacher I was both challenged and encouraged
to hear a very well-known preacher begin to make a statement in a sermon and then to stop and then to pause and then to say: “I best not go there. I won’t say anything more on that”.
Auto-Correction. Holy Spirit-Correction. Edification. Glorification of Christ Jesus.
That was a case where auto-correction didn’t leave a silly result but rather it most certainly left a Christ-honouring result.
Pay attention to your auto-correct Agent: The indwelling God the Holy Spirit.