Fortunately, my grandfather Witherspoon coaxed me on by assuring me that the flavour was mostly in the seed parts which I wanted to avoid.
Since then I have eaten untold numbers of tomatoes!
And they have not only tasted great, they have also helped my health.
Tomatoes are a Functional Food. They go beyond nutrition to preventing chronic disease and to delivering several health benefits.
Yet only 200 years ago they were thought to be poisonous! (They got a bad rap from the family of vines of which they are a part!)
Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A & C; Folic Acid & Anti-Oxidants.
They can help ward off cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and depression.
I had to taste and see that tomatoes are good!
The Psalmist David tells us:
“O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him”!
(Psalm 34:8)
Choose to take your refuge in your God. Taste and see. The benefits to you will be many!